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Arnold is a LEGEND. And currently he’s a 74 year old legend. 74…

Arnold is a LEGEND. And currently he’s a 74 year old legend. 74…

Apparently, naked mole rats don’t age after they reach maturity. As far as we can tell, they only die from other causes, at the same rate that younger rats do, which suggests that they could live forever, if they were protected from all dangers. This was a big discovery, because they’re the only mammal every discovered to have this property. There are simpler organisms that appear to be effectively ageless, but no mammals.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is not a naked mole rat. Therefore, he is not ageless. Human beings, like most animals on earth, have an aging process that causes physical changes, and physical deterioration. In humans, that process makes it increasingly difficult to maintain muscle and bone mass, fat tends to accumulate, and skin tends to loosen and lose elasticity.

In short, even someone who looks like Mr. Olympia isn’t going to look that way forever.

Schwarzenegger is 73 years old. He’s actually in pretty good shape for a man of his age, but 73-year-olds, by and large, don’t look the same way they did at 23.

That’s 6 years away from being 80. And he looks great for his age:

You get old. Things break.

And if you have light skin (say, you’re from—I don’t know—Austria) and live in a very sunny place (say, southern California), you’re going to have a few decades of skin damage.

How did Arnold Schwarzenegger win the Mr. Olympia and now looks the way he does?

Time. You get old. Things break.

And if you have light skin (say, you’re from—I don’t know—Austria) and live in a very sunny place (say, southern California), you’re going to have a few decades of skin damage.

For 73, he looks pretty good. I wouldn’t mess with him.

Of all the celebrities I’ve met, I regret that I haven’t and probably will never meet him.

He’s in better shape than the vast majority of Americans that’s for sure, and in better shape than many men in their early 20s. Arnold defined the era of bodybuilding. He was the face of bodybuilding. A modern day Hercules he is truly a legend. However, time waits for no one and Arnold’s days are coming to an end. Still, the man is almost 80 and is in great shape for his age.

Why The 1980 Mr. Olympia Bodybuilding Contest Was So Controversial

1. After the Austrian Oak

When Arnold retired from bodybuilding in 1975, it ushered in a new age for the sport. Arnold had won the previous six competitions. His retirement meant that others could now compete for the Mr. Olympia title. Taking over Arnold’s place was his training partner and close friend the late Franco Columbu who won the 1976 Olympia. From 1977 to 1979, Frank Zane took the honors.

Although two men shared the title over four years the time after Arnold’s victory was competitive. With Arnold out of the way, newer bodybuilders began to gain attention competitors like Boyer Coe Mike Mentzer and a young Tom Platz. There was excitement in the sport. Arnold had previously been the athlete with the most sponsorships and magazine covers who monopolized all the media attention. Now fans could choose from a variety of different athletes and body types. If Arnold represented the ideal physique of the 1960s and 1970s, these newer athletes were progressing the standard of bodybuilding further.

2. The Road to the 1980 Olympia

At this point in the timeline Arnold had two separate careers. He became a movie star appearing in films like Stay Hungry or Pumping Iron, and he promoted bodybuilding shows. Alongside Jim Lorimer who is also Arnold’s partner for the Arnold Classic Arnold helped to organize the Olympia shows from 1976 to 1979. The 1980 show was organized by Australian bodybuilder Paul Graham who, author John Fair found, was Arnold’s good friend.

Arnold had retired from bodybuilding but his influence was still felt. This does not explain why he decided to return to competing. The reason for that came from his movie career specifically his role in Conan the Barbarian. Released in 1982, Conan told the story of a young muscular warrior played by Arnold Schwarzenegger who avenges the death of his parents.

Starring in Conan required Arnold to transform his body from a lean young warrior of about 215 pounds to a full-bodied, robust king of about 230’ pounds. Arnold set to training and began using his old bodybuilding routines to build a Conan body. Somewhere along the way his training partners encouraged him to enter the Olympia.

3. Arnold at the Olympia

The following day at the Mr. Olympia contest Arnold lined up against Zane Mentzer and the other stars of the day. What he lacked in muscularity and leanness, he made up for with charisma. Arnold told jokes to competitors on stage to break their concentration and then jumped out of line to strike poses.

The crowd at the Sydney Opera House showed their approval for the Austrian Oak. Although few expected him to win the sight of seeing Arnold back on stage prompted warm applause and cheering. Remember that his return was unexpected for competitors. It was an even bigger shock for those in the audience.

When 73 years old you reach, look as good you will not, mmmmhh?

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