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Will Covid-19 End after Omicron? What are the misconceptions about Omicron and Covid-19?

Will Covid-19 End after Omicron? What are the misconceptions about Omicron and Covid-19?

Published By: Thinking Boxx Team

February 6/2022 19:56 PM IST

Most probably yes. Three possibilities are speculated by the medical fraternity based on the current observations:

With billions of people still unvaccinated worldwide, plenty of opportunities remain for the COVID-19 virus to spread and generate new variants, according to WHO officials.

“We hope that that doesn't happen. But at the moment, we're not doing enough to prevent that happening in terms of protecting people, and in terms of distributing vaccines in a way that would assist with reducing the emergence of variants.

According to Our World in Data, 9.33 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered globally. But only 58.8% of the global population has received at least one dose. In low-income countries, only 8.8% of the population has received a vaccine.

When the delta variant emerged as a variant of concern, Ryan recalled, several scientists described it as the “fittest” and “best-adapted virus” they’ve ever seen, and that they “cannot see how this virus could adapt anymore.” But now omicron has been shown to be more transmissible than previous variants, including delta.

“Unfortunately, I think it's very unlikely that omicron will be the last variant that you will hear us discussing. Certainly, the virus continues to evolve,” said Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead for COVID-19, at the press briefing.

She said important discussions are taking place on how “much more fit” the COVID-19 virus can become in terms of its transmission and transmissibility. And while the current global focus is on omicron because of how fast it is spreading, “Delta continues to be a variant of concern,” she said, noting that there are currently about 30 “sublineages of delta” that WHO is tracking. Life is going to be more tough for average person from here. Enjoy the pain. Great reset is bigger than anyone is expecting. We are now moving into more centralized and connecting world. Few people would get more firm hold of world power. They would be able to monitor almost everyone. This is quest of power which would go on for centuries from here before we get ultimate power ruling whole world. This would be painful for 95% people who are at bottom of society as they would not be able to compete with 5% people. Ultimately 80-90% population would die. Robots will replace this dying population.

We would eventually usher in new world where there would be happiness and prosperous earth again. Devoid of slums and poverty.

1. Covid 19 might behave like a seasonal flu with one dominant strain circulating periodically

2. Covid 19 might behave like dengue virus with multiple variants circulating and causing infections in pockets

3. The best of all, Omicron becomes the dominant strain in the next few days and eventually herd immunity is achieved.

At this point, it is imperative to follow covid-appropriate behaviour, the fate of third wave severity depends on human behaviour. Our hospitals may soon be overwhelmed with patients owing to the huge population number. Follow safety protocol like wearing a face mask, practicing social distancing, practicing hand and respiratory hygiene, and completing the two doses of vaccination & booster doses wherever applicable. If you are exhibiting any symptoms of covid 19 infection, isolate yourself and please get in touch with a doctor online immediately.

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