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Is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson using steroids?

What you think about DJ Rock

Everyone tries to analyze what hes on etc.

It's easy to see that he has hit well above natural limits multiple times. as for what with and how much or often…. no one knows.

In reality he's taken the standard bodybuilder path (learn about Frank Zane - ‘the chemist' from the golden era).

Dwayne Johnston either cycles on and off — using testosterone bases and more than likely various other compounds at different times. generally what one can get their hands on.

No doubt he's tried, dbol, winstrol, anadrol, masteron, nandrolones (decca, npp), probably tren. he probably does constant hgh or cycles it as well. low doses too I'd say. eg. 2 to 10 iu per day.

If he doesnt do things that way. He just straight out blasts and cruises. eg. spending 3 months on 200mg testosterone cypionate/enanthate each week for 3 months give or take... then blast upwards of 500mg test cyp/enanth while messing with above mentioned compounds in conjunction. I'm betting hes blasted over 1000mgs of testosterone per week for months before while stacking other compounds.

its not like hes just always on one compound. like most people he'll have ‘go-to' gear. stuff that makes him feel good with minimal side effects and grow good too.

I imagine for movies. eg pain and gain he started pinning extra compounds and higher doses.

Then aftwards chilled. dropped doses. maybe hit a cruise (200mg testosterone per week). or perhaps cycled right off? possiblly utilizing hcg and/or clomid and/or nolva and/aromasin to get his testies kicking off.

Personally I'm not sure whether hes blasts/cruises or cycles on and off. and nor are any of you. but one thing is for sure. he ain't all natty bruh :-P

I've spent years around this shyte. This is how its done. It's no different because hes in movies or a super star.

If you walked up to me or one of.my jacked buddies and asked if we juiced. of course we would say no. if you interviewed us (camera or no camera) and asked if we juiced. we're definitely saying no. not only is it illegal just about everywhere. but the minute you admit to it. a shyte storm begins. including everyone going on “oh hes only big because hes on roids" and blah blah.

it does a total discredit to all the hours of hard painful work we put in at the gym. all the food we carefully plan and eat. everything that is involved. its not easy to get massive. even on steroids. Yes. Definitely.

He looks like a pro-bodybuilder and he’s 44! Even with his great genetics and brutal training regimen, he’s gonna need a little help to get in this sort of shape:

Check those traps!

…and to further illustrate… how about these legs:

So yeah I think its pretty obvious….

EDIT: Thanks to the upvoters. It seems that a couple of people don’t agree so I’ll address a couple of things:

These photos were selected from a quick Google image search. I didn’t put much thought into it. Almost every image you can find demonstrates my point! So please don’t get hung up on these particular images. Go and have a look.

I feel qualified to answer this because, I am also in my 40s, I train every day, I have 20+ years of lifting experience, I take steroids, I go to a hardcore bodybuilding gym and have personal friends who are competition-level BB-ers… and I’ve met the rock at my friends gym, when he was in London promoting San Andreas.

If you think he was juicing for Pain & Gain… well, he was even bigger in Hercules a year later. So presumably you agree he was using steroids for that movie too? Then what about shirtless in Baywatch? Or Furious 7? Looking massive is what he does for his lucrative job.

When I say he looks like a pro-bodybuilder… ok he couldn’t win the Olympia.. but he does look LIKE a bodybuilder. Even amateur bodybuilders take steroids, so saying he’s not as muscular as Phil Heath is meaningless.

Lastly, to the Rock fans… I’m a Rock Fan! The fact that he does steroids TAKES NOTHING AWAY from the man or his accomplishments. Arnold took steroids too, nobody cares.. we just want to see him looking buff and kicking ass!

Of course The Rock is on steroids.

There’s no way he can be 49 years old and have the 10% body fat and weigh 260 pounds without the use of steroids. It is not physiologically possible.

It is physiologically impossible to have this kind of vascularity and be this lean and have this much muscle mass at 49 years old without a heavy steroid stack.

Johnson is probably using a combination of testosterone/Primobolan and probably D-Bol or drugs that are similar to those three and/or more.

If you want more evidence the Rock admitted using steroids in college. Let’s take a comparison and look at his body when he was 22 years old taking steroids and how he looks at 49 and you tell me how you can honestly think that he’s not still on the sauce!

Dwayne Johnson has admitted using steroids in college (Source Below).

On Steroids

22 Years Old

Off of Steroids??? RIIGHHTTT

49 Years Old

As men age their testosterone starts to drop. There’s no way a 49-year-old human being can build this much muscle mass and be this lean at 49 years old without anabolic steroids and probably human growth hormone as well.

Source: Dwayne Johnson admitted using steroids

If you need more convincing let’s compare some natural (meaning drug tested) bodybuilders who are in the peak physical shape and are either 49 or 50 years old.

To be clear I like the Rock he seems like a very nice person and a very entertaining actor this is nothing personal I’m just answering the question!

One more thing I wanted to add just taking steroids does not give you the kind quality of muscle that the Rock has. He is in peak physical condition and has trained so fervently and so relentlessly hard for so many years to get the body he has.

That kind of determination training combined with the steroids gives him that extra 20 pounds of muscle but he still would be an incredible physical specimen with or without steroids!

I should also add that I don’t really have an opinion if people wanna use steroids or not. I think that’s their personal choice.

I hope that clears up any confusion!

Thanks for Reading

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