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What is something that you truly hate?

“ India is against its minorities”

I detest that to my core.


  • How many minorities are we talking about? Cause India got the maximum.

These are minorities

These as well

These are minorities, not the guy on the left.

All these minorities are less than 5% of our 1.3 billion.

and then its these. 14% of our population and yet a minority.


Why do you say we are cumulatively against minorities?

Say openly: Muslims. Why are you so scared to say what you want to say.


Its not Muslims who say this, its these

Most are

  • Upper caste
  • foreign educated
  • live abroad
  • dress fashionably
  • are born Hindus.

These are the advocates of Muslims who themselves will not one day live like a Muslim man or a woman.

Two things

  • India was and is against nobody but yes we are against anybody who is against our values and our faith. Simple as that.
  • Its not Muslims who stand against India, its these liberals who are born Hindus yet label their own people as demons.
  • I get that Muslims might not like Hindus, we are idol worshippers, prohibited in Islam but why liberals hate us so much I dont get.
  • To brandish our name with hatred and then spread it around?

It hurts me.

There are many Indian Muslims, hell I have met Pakistanis who love India.

Beware of these as these are not loyal to their own, they will never be loyal to anyone.


We lost our country not because of Invasions but because we always had snakes like these, we still have them.

Jai Parshuram.

Image source Google

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