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What is the best way to cook bratwurst at home?

Let’s start with the wurst way to cook brats. Tossing a raw bratwurst onto a hot grill or into a hot frying pan is begging for the sausage casings to split or burst. Once they split, the flavorful juices are lost. Brats split when the casings cook first, then the fat is rendered, the juices flow inside the casings, and the bratwurst expands. Pop. That’s why some folks prick the casings to allow juices to drip out, preventing splitting. The problem is, of course, the juices and the flavor are lost anyway. There are better ways.

There are two primary methods for cooking beautiful, browned brats and they both allow the casings to expand some as the interior of the brats cook.

  • Steaming and boiling are popular with bratwurst. This cooks the sausages at 212F before high heat is used to brown the casings. This can be done in a frying pan with a lid, a little oil, and a few ounces of water until the water has boiled off. The casings can then be browned in the same pan. Another way is to boil the sausages in a pan with beer, water and onions until almost done. The brats are then transferred to a grill for browning.
  • Another way is to grill the brats over lower heat. That can be done by using indirect heat or cooking with the grate raised well above the heat source. This takes longer but the result is a beautiful browned brat.


Image source YouTube
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