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Which rock musician are you most surprised survived the height of their wealth, fame, and debauchery?

See this fine-looking, upstanding young man?

How he grew as a musician.

We can see he kept his “state of mind” on almost every event.

Ah, the good old days!

How he'd remember them…

Or maybe not.

Ok, so he may not understand the concept of age catching up with human physiology.

But he's not alone. Together with his band, they seem to possess the same extraordinary power. Or let's say extraordinary behaviour.

Oh, no! They don't know the meaning of the word “quit.”

Some would believe he's a vampire.

Or maybe he's just having too much fun to stop.

Ladies and gentlemen.. Until God decides otherwise, Keith Richards is Immortal.

Edit: Alan Zoller Thanks for the grammar suggestion

Image source Google

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