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What does a full day of eating usually look like for you guys?

I’m glad you asked. Talking about what I eat is my favourite thing to do 😃.

I’m 45 y.o. man / 6″ (183 cm) / 185 lb (84 kg) / 15% B.F. I’m no fitness model, but I have a good amount of muscle, and a healthy amount of fat.

I’ve eliminated most ultra-processed foods about 6 years ago, and have been enjoying spectacular results. I cannot even remember the last time I had a headache or a runny nose. These days my diet is 90% “meat and vegetables”, and my day is structured as follows:

7am - wake up, drink a couple of glasses of water

7am~3pm - drink coffee with cream, tea with milk, and water

3pm - drink water with electrolytes (table salt, epsom salt, potassium salt)

4pm - workout (powerlifting training, fasted)

5pm - eat dinner (2000 Calories — my main meal, see some pictures below)

7pm - eat a small snack (300~500 Calories — yogurt & berries, nuts, etc)

Check out @ketobart on instagram for more.

=== steak and eggs ===

=== ground beef, peppers and bok choy ===

=== BBQ duck and some vegetables ===

=== BBQ steak and various vegetables ==

=== burgers, beans, and corn ===

=== BBQ salmon, chicken, and various vegetables ===

Image source Facebook
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