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What does it mean to accept something?

To accept something means not resisting the Present Moment - Accepting Present moment as it is. If resistance comes, you even accept the resistance.

Eg - Suppose a result is not in your favor. One can work on getting better results through various ways but as of now, result is already out - resisting what is already there will bring misery!

Acceptance is the capability to flow peacefully with Whatever is NowHere. Once the Present is accepted wholly, a suitable response can be figured out.

Acceptance is the sky and emotions are clouds - just passing!

At the highest level, Acceptance is not an act performed by a separate identity - A Person. Where a Person ceases to exist, Acceptance is.

As a matter of fact, the Spiritual human journey can be called the Journey of Acceptance.

When one starts walking the Spiritual path, first of all, the person learns to see and accept the negativity and resistance within. There is pain and suffering involved but this is the most important step.

Knowing and accepting the falsehoods requires immense courage. In this phase, Acceptance is an act. There is effort involved, the acceptance does not come naturally due to own expectations and other habitual patterns and work needs to be done through Meditation, Yoga and other methods.

By and by, as one becomes more conscious, the one performing the act of Acceptance starts dissolving until finally, only Acceptance remains. This Acceptance is effortless.

This Acceptance is Surrender. This Acceptance is Love and This Acceptance is the Being.

Now whatever happens, happens in the field of Acceptance. You realize yourself as Acceptance. Nothing is separate from You anymore - Only Oneness is, Only Acceptance is!


Love and Peace!

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