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So disgusting to watch Trump’s so-called full page ad in the NYT where he falsely accused the Central Park 5 of rape and publicly called for their brutal executions. Some were only 14-years-old, the same age as Emmett Till when he was falsely accused and brutally lynched too.Twitter’s trending topics aren’t done by human beings or editors but by an AI algorithm that detects what people are talking about the most. Looks like most people are talking about how much Trump sucks and how he is destroying our country. Deal with it snowflake. It’s the truth.Donald Trump did not have any intel clearances when he made those accusations. And if he believes that people being mean to him on Twitter is illegal, he has less knowledge of law than the average 12-year-old.You would buy into the garbage from the NYT, lol.
The biggest frauds in the Newspaper business.
Just keep drinking the Kool-Aid and Know we're gonna destroy you at The Ballot Boxes AGAIN.
There is nothing mysterious about trending topics & there is nothing to stop Trump's "followers" from being able to participate in the trending process! The reality is that Trump likely doesn't have a sufficiently strong enough base to be able to do it.
by the way, loving this new serious tone and how much you're focused on the pandemic. tell us again how you're too busy to bounce a baseball halfway to home plate at Yankee Stadium on Aug 15, America can't get enough of these extremely credible fairy tales.
Even more interesting is that Trump never even got that invitation from the Yankees and then cancelled so he could tweet more propaganda and misinformation. Also, his campaign charade of supporting masks really had a very short lifespan.Texan here!! Was so pumped to see your ad on my local CBS affiliate last night!! Just chipped in another $10! 150,000 dead Americans bc of the #TrumpVirus that he let get out of control, 2.3M ppl could be evicted in Aug (more than all of 2017) & he’s whining on Twitter, AGAIN!

Thanks for Reading 🙏😊

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