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Most Funniest Pictures ever seen in my life........

If a picture of an egg can get millions of Likes, then why not these 26 best photos?

Recently, an egg picture got more than 26 million likes on Instagram and this matter is now a topic of discussion on social media. However, it is not yet understood how the picture of an egg got so many likes. Well, the answer to this question will not be known when, but recently a user posted some pictures on the question-answer website Quora, according to which these pictures should also get Millions Likes.

1. This island official participating in the United Nations Conference on Global Warming.

2. Jenny Joseph, 28, posed for the Columbia logo in 1992.

3. Clean water from Lake Charlevoix in Michigan, USA, which has accumulated.

4. This 1960 photo is of a family on Nevada Desert.

5. Think about this picture.

6. Dangerous scene.

7. After World War I, 1918, more than 18,000 young men from the United States appeared in the shape of the Statue of Liberty.

8. Former US President Barack Obama smoking.

9. Stephen Hawking looks quite happy with his wife.

10. Brittney Murphy's beauty is worth seeing.

11. Who's identity?

12. Friendship is seen in this photo of 1921.

13. Is a little funny.

14. Pretty creative.

15. Laughter is not stopping.

16. Beautiful view of Foundations Of A Bridge.

17. Flaring Canada with Northern lights.

18. Everyone is waiting for such a morning.

19. Such a view can scare everyone.

20. Sweet picture.

21. Jaguar performs stunts under water.

22. No need of words.

23. Artificial aircraft.

24. Henningsvaer Stadium of Norway.

25. Glad at the release of Windows 95.

26. Glimpses of the cover of Time Magazine via drone.

Thanks for watching :)

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