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What are some mind blowing life hacks?

  1. Pet the dogs of your street . They will love you for life for that.
  2. Have only 2 meals a day. A heavy breakfast and a light dinner.
  3. Skip your night meal if possible. If not, Have some fruits and milk instead.
  4. Just fold your hands in a namaste🙏🏻 for 4–5 minute each day at any thing or one that you place the highest value in YOUR life.
  5. Have dinner before or immediately after sunset.
  6. Sleep on the Floor
  7. Use no pillows.
  8. Next time do not lie. Or minimalize it. At least after every lie/betrayal , tell yourself in the head(or aloud, in private) that you just lied/cheated.
  9. Drink water first thing in the morning.
  10. Pay attention to your breath just for 2 minutes everyday,(maintaining this whole day will enlighten you)
  11. Use only wired headphones. No wireless.
  12. Wear only natural fibres.

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