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4 Gut instincts you should not ignore:

  1. A sense that you are not well

Your body always knows when something isn't quite right and you will always receive signs when something is off.

Trust your body, it is intelligent.

2. Excitement about an opportunity

Excitement is your intuition’s way of saying that something about that opportunity is resonating with your soul.

Don't allow your logical mind to talk you out of something you deeply feel is aligned for you.

3. A feeling of danger

When you get a feeling something is off and you feel an immense sense of nervousness, take it seriously.

It's better to be safe than sorry.

4. Being drawn to someone

We are always drawn to people for a reason. It means their presence serves a divine purpose.

Even if it's only a brief encounter or temporary relationship, there is a reason the universe wants you to collide.

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