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6 non-sexual advice I wish I knew sooner

  1. Do not spend so much time trying to be more physically attractive in order to just impress your crush rather than making yourself mentally attractive.

Educate yourself, address your recurring toxic thoughts, deal with your insecurities and learn to be happy on your own.

That's attractive.

2. Normalise saying “No” without needing to over-explain yourself.

If someone is offended by your boundaries, that's their problem.

The best weight you'll ever lose is the weight of other people's opinion of you.

3. Don't subscribe to other people's definition of “fun”.

Fun doesn't have to mean drinking, partying and socialising.

Fun can be a night in alone, getting lost in a book, a deep conversation, a walk, creating art, playing music, or doing your work.

Fun is yours; you define it.

4. Before you get married, discuss bills, parenting styles, credit, debt, how to deal with family, what belief will be installed in your children, childhood traumas, sexual expectations, partner expectations, family health history, bucket list, dream home, career and education, political view and whatever else come in mind.

Love is not enough.

5. The age is 15–30 is golden era of your life. You make friends, lose them too. You make mistakes, correct them too. You fall, you fail, you learn, you realise, you hit reality, you fall in love, you get hurt too. You lose yourself and eventually become stronger.

Remember! These might be the best years of you life. You should understand the difference between enjoying it and ruining it.

6. Heal before having children so your children don't have to heal from having you as a parent.

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