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Is reading a powerful habit? What are the life changing benifits of Reading habit.

Benifits of Reading. How can you change your life with Reading habit.

Posted by Thinking Boxx :- Ravikant Negi

12 may 2022 17:46:00 IST

Many people are hesitant to start reading books because they don’t know the benefits of being an avid reader. However, there are many most powerful benefits of reading books. Reading can help you better understand different perspectives, reduce stress levels, increase your knowledge about the world around you, and much more. Find out the top 10 benefits of reading in this article.

1. Reading can help you better understand different perspectives in life. If you want to improve yourself as a person, reading is one way to do it. You will be able to read about other people’s experiences, which include their struggles with health issues or poverty; but also how they overcame these challenges.

2. By understanding other people’s perspectives on life events that sometimes happened decades ago, you can learn valuable lessons from them and get inspiration for your problems. For example: “What would I have done if I had been me at that time? What has changed since then? Would the same situation happen again today?” This question can trigger an emotional response because it allows you to connect with those who were directly involved in this event.

The Benefits of Reading Books

Currently, where our attention spans are all but gone, reading has become a luxury. Why spend an hour scrolling on Facebook when you can spend an hour reading a book? Reading books provides so many benefits, from improving vocabulary to helping us sleep better. So, why not read a book today?

Every person should read books daily. Many benefits arise from reading books. Some of the most powerful benefits of reading are that it improves vocabulary, better reading comprehension, and reduces stress. A person’s brain can grow in new ways when they read. Reading helps people understand their world and the world around them more deeply by exposing them to new things, which is why they should make time to read every day.

Ever since humans have been on this earth, reading has always been a major part of society. However, in the digital age, it seems that books are not as popular as they used to be.

That’s why I’m here to remind you why reading is so important in everyone’s life.

Reading develops readers’ vocabularies. When someone reads, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, their brains get exposed to new words. Their vocabularies will expand during these times of exposure. That’s what makes reading such a great way to develop vocabulary! Readers also strengthen their reading skills while they’re reading. Every time a reader picks up a book, they’ll learn how to read better through trial and error. They’ll learn to pick out certain parts of a sentence or figure out what grammar means.

Makes you more intelligent, improves perspective

Many people are quick to assume that reading books is impractical. There are many other things that are more essential, such as work or hobbies. However, there are many benefits of reading books that should be considered too. With just one book read each day, you’re already increasing your vocabulary and improving your perspective. Not only does reading help keep the brain active, but it also boosts emotional intelligence and helps with mental health issues. This article discusses the top 4 benefits of reading books.

Improves memory

There’s nothing worse than forgetting something critical for an upcoming test or meeting. While we can’t control our memories completely, having several books read per week will prevent us from losing those important facts.

Reading requires you to give your undivided attention to the book. And in this age of goldfish attention-span this is a great weapon to have in our arsenal.

Maybe you'll not read all the books you buy. Maybe you'll regret reading a couple of books.

But ultimately, one good book is all it takes to make you (re-)believe in its power.

It's amazing how a ₹200–400 book can completely change the course of your life.

It can turn your perspective upside down and will give you one hell of a ride. Improves memory

There’s nothing worse than forgetting something critical for an upcoming test or meeting. While we can’t control our memories completely, having several books read per week will prevent us from losing those important facts.

This is because when we do read, our brains build connections between information stored in different areas of the brain. The hippocampus is responsible for storing short-term memories, while the prefrontal cortex deals with long-term ones. When we read informative stories, we stimulate both sides of the brain, which leads to stronger neural pathways and improved memory retention.

Increases motivation

With so much going on in life, sometimes it seems like everything takes longer than expected. Having a novel waiting for you at home motivates you to get it done faster. Even if all you have left to do is read, this little bit of procrastination is enough to make you feel accomplished before bedtime.

Boosts creativity

Creativity thrives from new experiences. If you’ve ever been stuck inside during a blizzard, you know how difficult it can be to come up with any ideas. Reading through a good storybook provides inspiration and keeps the creative juices flowing. You might find yourself more inclined towards making art or even writing down what you discover to share with others.

Helps focus

Reading books will help you focus much better than any other activity because it takes your brain somewhere else. It helps keep your interest in something for longer periods of time, and the act of reading itself is very calming. Reading also helps you learn new words, sentences, and ideas that can be applied to everyday life. Finally, reading is one of the quickest ways to expand your vocabulary.

Other benefits:

Many people believe reading books is an unnecessary skill to have in an era of the internet, social media, and video games. The benefits of reading are overlooked by most because they are not as flashy or exciting as other types of entertainment. However, the benefits of reading are invaluable. Reading stimulates your imagination and creativity by giving you new ways to apply concepts. Additionally, reading makes you smarter; it improves both language skills (vocabulary) and critical thinking. With each book you read, you’ll become a better reader, thinker, artist, writer, problem-solver, owner/operator of a business, and so much more!


Whether you’re an avid reader, just starting out in your reading adventure, or prefer to read for leisure, the benefits of reading are endless. Reading offers opportunities for entertainment, education, and emotional development. It can allow you to explore different worlds through books. It also offers the chance to improve vocabulary, empathy skills, and cognitive skills. There’s no reason to miss out on this opportunity! You can find any type of book that excites you — from fiction, nonfiction, poetry, even self-help books. Don’t wait for another second to start enjoying the many benefits of reading!”

It's a powerful habit and that's why almost all the successful people are avid readers.

It's aptly said: Book readers are leaders.

So how to develop this powerful habit, you may ask.

And I have only one answer for you.

Read what you love until you love to read. (Ravikant Negi)

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