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What are the toughest jobs in the world? What do you think?

What are the toughest jobs in the world? What do you think? 

Published by: Sunita Nanada - TOI

24/April/2022/  14:30 AM/ IST

Being liftman of an automatic elevator.

Because, door will open or close automatically after reaching at destination. Then what he will do inside the elevator.

he would have to press switch whole day, nothing more.

Does he need to use his brain?

Where is brain improvement?




It doesn't mean, I don't have respect for liftman.

It's the most difficult job ever I seen.Imagineer I seen.😋

When he was doing good, he was getting recognition pan India. But now he is like just another politician not because of his intention but the alliance parties. Imagine you get hold of a region which has abput 100,000 Sqkm of the most fertile land on earth with ample water. Plenty of human resources too to work on them. What could go wrong you say!! Ok, so here comes the twist, we are talking about Bihar, Where is the seaport and today the scenario has changed you are probably talking about Lalu Raj, I agree there is poverty and corruption but it is no exception in other states also. one of the most socially and economically backward region on earth. Rampant crime,Can't able to understand why people support wrong things peoples against some one who speak truth why don't they won't tally investigate first or find out the truth what some one is telling about some community religion cast state DNA there dirtism. corruption, casteism, socio-economic backwardness and no natural resouces like iron, coal, petroleum, gas, sea port, etc. apart from fertile land to speak of. Next to nothing in manufaturing, no tertiary sector. That’s what this person got in 2005.

About 8 crore (82,998,509 from the 2001 census) people, most of them living in drastic poverty.
Percapita income - $75
HDI - 0.470
Electricity Penetration - 20.70%
Literacy Rate - 62%
Road network - virtually none (no paved NH or SH)

In 2021

Percapita income - $681
HDI - 0.574
Electricity Penetration - 100%
Literacy Rate - about 75%
Road network - 209549Km having 8845 Km of highways

I do believe there a lot of scope of improvement but I’ve to say, the crime is low, electricily availability is better than Delhi and Bangalore and industries are also booming. The man has bettered the most difficult job in the world.

Picture Source Wikipedia

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