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How can you trust that the COVID-19 Vaccine is safe? If vaccines work, why are vaccinated people concerned about the unvaccinated?

How can you trust that the COVID-19 Vaccine is safe? If vaccines work, why are vaccinated people concerned about the unvaccinated? 

Why do people argue that there is no evidence that vaccines work?

Updated by: Thinking Boxx Team

23/01/2022 17:39 PM IST

The Omicron variant of covid-19 is highly contagious.

Probably ignorance and/or mis-information and/or fear of the potential side effects. COVID Vaccines do work and this is demostrable historical fact beyond question. To argue otherwise embraces an aberrant fantasy - like believing in “Flat Earth.” So, a vaccine “works” in that it completely eradicates the disease in an entire population. However, this requires nearly all people in that population to be resistant to the disease. The concern you mentioned is concern for society itself i.e., the disease affects us all as long as it persists.

Let me explain how the immune system works: Because they have no idea how immune system works, no idea about what these experimental vaccines are and are full of fear from lack of understanding. When you don’t know what’s going on and fear takes over your brain, your decisions become irrational. Some, a few, are just propaganda agents for big pharma and their uber rich investors. Most are just uneducated and lack basic knowledge of grade 7 biology.

Otherwise, if vaccines would do the job, it would be no concern for somebody vaccinated. The myth they push hard about unvaccinated being guilty of this pandemic still going proves how much stupidity (on one hand) and evil doers (on another hand) exist on this planet. They do not admit vaccines proved to be a big fiasco.

And not only. Vaccines produce nasty side effects (myocarditis, chronic fatigue, ruptures in capillar blood vessels, irregularities in the immune system functionality and so on) that will go on for at least a generation. And forcing children to vaccinate is the most wicked of all.

My only hope is that at some point the world will come to realize they were lied, shamed and coerced to participate to this experiment which they also paid for and the criminals will be brought to justice.

The immune system is our protection against diseases. It consists of our skin, anti-microbial enzymes and several types of white blood cells, each of them having certain responsibilities. In a way do they act like superheroes, because they can catch and kill pathogens in many different ways.

Macrophages are the largest of the immune system. They can engulf and eat pathogens. Macrophage means “big eater” in Greek. When digesting pathogens do macrophages send signals to recruit other immune cells to the site of injury. They also release antigens, which are proteins from the surface of the pathogen. Below is a Macrophage in the process of engulfing bacteria.

Neutrophils are the most abundant type of immune cells (40% to 75%). They are one of the first responders to the site of injury and are responsible for inflammation, which increases the blood flow. Neutrophils can ingest bacteria and particles in a process called phagocytosis. They can also release toxins to kill pathogens and some cancer cells in a process called degranulation. Third, they can release web fibers that trap and kill microbes in a process called Neutrophil Extracellular Trap (NET).

Mast cells are rich in histamine. They are present in most tissues surrounding blood vessels and nerves, for example the skin, the mouth, the nose and the lungs. ​They are also in the brain, where they interact with the neuro-immune system. Mast cells are involved in immune tolerance (allergy), defense against pathogens, wound healing and formation of new blood vessels.

Eosinophils are fighting multicellular parasites and infections. They also control mechanisms associated with allergy and asthma.

Basophils are few in numbers and appears mostly in connective tissue. Like eosinophils, do the basophils play a role in both parasitic infections and allergies. Basophils appear in many inflammatory reactions, particularly those caused by allergy. Basophils contain an anticoagulant that prevents blood from clotting too quickly.

The real benefit of vaccines is at the population level, even if you have not been vaccinated they can dramatically lower your risk of getting sick. They do so by simply lowering the number of infectious people in your community, with the result that you are less likely to come into contact with an infectious person, so don’t contract the disease. They can prevent transmission to such a powerful extent they can eradicate a disease. For the individual it doesn’t necessarily guarantee you will never get sick with the disease in question, and a very few people may have bad reactions to the vaccine itself for some types of vaccine. The fact is you don’t see someone NOT getting ill, sick or having death prevented as a result of the effect of vaccines. You do see the tiny amount of people that have a reaction or do contract the disease. Its probably that ignorance that causes people to argue that vaccines have no effect.

Natural Killer cells - NK cells are very important, because they can attack unmarked, infected cells without waiting for them to be marked with antibodies. In contrast can immune cells in the adaptive immune system only attack infected cells that are marked with antibodies. NK cells also attack tumors and is therefore our first line of defense against cancer. Some types of cancer are able to excrete decoy signals that prevent attacks from NK cells. One example is prostate cancer. The weapon of the NK cells is toxic granules, which are injected into the infected cells. During this process are cytokines released, directing more NK cells to the area.

B cells are also known as B lymphocytes. They use antigens to transform to plasma cells and produce antibodies, which attach to pathogens and serves as markers to attract other immune cells. In some cases do helper T cells trigger this process. Some B cells evolves into memory B cells, which persist for several years after an infection. When exposed to their cognate antigen, they quickly transform to plasma cells and release antibodies.

T cells are also called T lymphocytes. The name is given because they mature in the thymus. The T cells have many different functions:

  • Helper T cells assist other white immune cells, including maturation of B cells into plasma cells and memory B cells (see above), and activation of cytotoxic T cells and macrophages.
  • ​Cytotoxic T cells destroy virus-infected cells and tumor cells. These cells recognize their targets by binding to antigens that are present on the surface of the virus-infected cells and tumor cells.
  • Memory T cells persist for several years after an infection. When exposed to their cognate antigen, they quickly expand to a large number of effector T cells.
  • The nation’s, as well as the world’s leading doctors (you know, people who ACTUALLY went to medical school and stayed awake in class) are to a man or woman saying this vaccine is effective. In addition to their decades of expertise in virology and immunology (which is, the study of germs, how the body fights off germs, and the development of methods that help the body fight off germs), they are armed with data that they have been gathering through trial testing and observation of this particular vaccine’s efficacy in the real world over the last few months that has been showing that the vaccine is safe and effective.
  • We also have the testimony of millions of people at this point as to how the vaccines have impacted them. That would be part of that observation part/real world data gathering. The vaccines have been available for over a half a year at this point and millions of people have gotten at least one shot.
  • We also know that in this second wave, this virus and its variants is largely hitting unvaccinated people harder than people who have been vaccinated[1] . Just about 100% of all the hospitalized and deaths are occurring among the unvaccinated—states with low vaccination rates are leading the nation in COVID cases, just like they led the nation when masks, social distancing and lockdowns were not enforced by their leaders. Those that are vaccinated who do get the virus have been spared the most severe infection.

On the other hand, we have the following among those who are anti-vaccine:

  • They are people who never attended so much as a high school biology class and are either people who are so stupid one has to wonder how they are still classified as Homo Sapiens, who cannot complete a coherent thought and think bleach and oleander plants are a better cure:
  • Or they are politicians who might have a little more intelligence than the aforementioned bleach advocate (the jury is out on some of them) but think advancing their careers in the political world by acting like the bleach advocate is much more important than keeping the public who elected them to leadlead
    • lead safe:

    Each of the above governors lead states that have had the highest COVID rates over the last year. Florida in particular is the leader of new COVID cases in the nation[2] .

    • Or they are people who should know better but have made a Faustian bargain to spread lies in exchange for the ability to fatten their bank accounts with a boatload of money. They obviously consider getting richer than God to be more important than being responsible citizens/journalists who should be using their huge platform that has a significant impact on the public to tell the truth and keep the public properly informed:

    And, I repeat. None of these people on the anti vax side with the loudest voices have any comprehensive data to back their beliefs, or any kind of a medical or scientific background that would enable them to properly evaluate and interpret any studies obtained by the medical professionals who are studying and observing this virus and the vaccine. For the most part, they have appealed to the gullible, selfish, and dumb by screeching about freedom, planting doubt in the minds of the public by attempting to make the health professionals look bad using disingenuous questions and commentary without having those professionals on air to rebut or clarify their commentary, and using selective anecdotes and/or outright lies to make their points.

    Soooo. I guess the question is, why would you believe the people on the anti-vax side knowing they have no medical training, haven’t been involved in any way in studying viruses or vaccines or other issues that have anything to do with standard public health practices and protocol, are using dishonest methods to spread their lies and misinfomation, and are either rank stupid, and/or are otherwise invested/incented in some way to make people believe the scientists and doctors who study this stuff don’t know what they are talking about?

    There are a whole lot of people on this planet who look for absolute assurance that something (like the COVID-19 vaccines) is absolutely safe. NOTHING is absolutely safe. Life itself is 100% fatal. None of us actually know when, where or how we will die. You could be on terminal life support with stage 99 cancer but still die in flames when the hospice burns down.

    I could die just by pulling out of my driveway in my car. It’s on a blind curve to the right going uphill, so people can’t see me even as they gun their 

    You either get the vaccine or you risk getting covid. Having covid is much more dangerous than the low chance of an issue with a vaccine. I just had my first covid jab yesterday.

    Sure it sucked.

    I hate needles which makes it worse.

    And right after, I didn’t feel that great.

    But my friend who got covid nearly died. He was one step from being on a ventilator. Still to this day he has breathing issues.

    It’s simply not worth it. From what I understand, the argument is not as much that they don’t work, because obviously they do, at least MOST of the time. It is that vaccines can contain toxins that are harmful to humans as well as the inert bacteria they are to fight against. Sort of like cigarettes. They have tobacco, sure. but they also have something like 300+ other toxic chemicals besides tobacco. If all it was was tobacco, it wouldn’t be so bad. Same with vaccines. I don’t know for sure, but I read where there are many other things in some vaccines besides the inert bacteria. The other argument is if they work, why worry about non vaccinated children? If your children are vaccinated and supposedly protected, why act like non vaccinated children are a threat? I don’t know how that works, but I do know that these are questions that you need to look into if you’re concerned about vaccines. They do work, most of the time, and that cannot be denied. Maybe we have a doctor on quora that could give an authoritative answer.

  • The Omicron variant of covid is highly contagious.

And here is where vaccines come into play: Vaccines are made of dead viruses or components of microorganisms; when they are injected into the body, they promote production of memory T cells.

To sum it up: Vaccines gives the same protection as a previous disease. But since many diseases are deadly, do vaccines increase survivability.

A few weeks ago was I bit by a dog. This was in Thailand, where rabies is present. Without vaccine is rabies almost 100 % fatal. A vaccine against rabies is 100 % effective if administered within six days of infection. So of course did I accept vaccine against rabies at the hospital that treated me.

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