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What are the secrets of being happy and positive everyday. How to be happy every day?

Secrets of being happy everyday:😋🤗

Posted by Thinking Boxx Team

24/12/2021 19:34 PM IST

Happiness shouldn't depend on having a partner or not. He/she surely increases your happiness and at times, becomes the reason for your heartache too.Everyone wants to excel in education, good career, suitable life partner, successful business, happy marriage, good relationships, more wealth, healthy life, buy or build their dream house, peaceful retired life free from stress, anxiety etc. Spread love everywhere.

Find a self-care ritual

It’s easy to neglect self-care in a fast-paced world. But your body carries your thoughts, passions, and spirit through this world, doesn’t it deserve a little TLC?

Maybe it’s unwinding your workweek with a long, hot bath. Or adopting a skin care routine that makes you feel indulgent. Or simply setting aside a night to put on your softest jammies and watch a movie from start to finish.

Whatever it is, make time for it. Put it in your planner if you must, but do it.

All religious scriptures talk about God. He is the only one who can neither be created nor be destroyed. He is not born and will never die. He is the Supreme Being. God is everywhere in the universe but cannot be seen.

There is a unique energy in this universe that we call Universal Energy. Universal Energy is also everywhere in this universe but cannot be seen. Universal Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed.

The characteristics of both God and Universal Energy is the same.

Then why don’t we call God as Universal Energy?

Universal Energy (God) is a life force and is freely available, surrounding us at all times.

Universal Energy (God) is known to us by various names such as ‘Vishwashakti’, ‘Pranashakti’, or Cosmic Energy etc.

Some will succeed while others do not.

So, when I say I'm happy, then it's not because I'm single. I'm happy, because I choose to be. Regardless of your version of true happiness, living a happier, more satisfied life is within reach. A few tweaks to your regular habits can help you get there.

Habits matter. If you’ve ever tried breaking a bad habit, you know all too well how engrained they are.

Well, good habits are deeply engrained, too. Why not work on making positive habits part of your routine?

Here’s a look at some daily, monthly, and yearly habits to help kickstart your quest. Just remember that everyone’s version of happiness is a little different, and so is their path to achieving it.

You tend to smile when you’re happy. But it’s actually a two-way street.

We smile because we’re happy, and smiling causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes us happier.

That doesn’t mean you have to go around with a fake smile plastered on your face all the time. But the next time you find yourself feeling low, crack a smile and see what happens. Or try starting each morning by smiling at yourself in the mirror. No matter how much modern society steers us toward less sleep, we know that adequate sleep is vitalTrusted Source to good health, brain function, and emotional well-being.

Eat with mood in mind

You already know that food choices have an impact on your overall physical health. But some foods can also affect your state of mind.

For example:

  • Carbohydrates release serotonin, a “feel good” hormone. Just keep simple carbs — foods high in sugar and starch — to a minimum, because that energy surge is short and you’ll crash. Complex carbs, such as vegetables, beans, and whole grains, are better.
  • Lean meat, poultry, legumes, and dairy are high in protein. These foods release dopamine and norepinephrine, which boost energy and concentration.
  • Highly processed or deep-fried foods tend to leave you feeling down. So will skipping meals.

Start by making one better food choice each day.

For example, swap a big, sweet breakfast pastry for some Greek yogurt with fruit. You’ll still satisfy your sweet tooth, and the protein will help you avoid a mid-morning energy crash. Try adding in a new food swap each week.

Most adults need about 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night. If you find yourself fighting the urge to nap during the day or just generally feel like you’re in a fog, your body may be telling you it needs more rest.

Here are a few tips to help you build a better sleep routine:

Write down how many hours of sleep you get each night and how rested you feel. After a week, you should have a better idea how you’re doing.

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends.

Reserve the hour before bed as quiet time. Take a bath, read, or do something relaxing. Avoid heavy eating and drinking.

Keep your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet.

Invest in some good bedding.

If you have to take a nap, try to limit it to 20 minutes.

If you consistently have problems sleeping, talk to your doctor. You may have a sleep disorder requiring treatment.

If some of these habits create added stress or just don’t fit your lifestyle, ditch them. With a little time and practice, you’ll figure out what does and doesn’t work for you.

When you are in love with someone, you feel insecure , jealousy and also you need to take out time for someone , who may understand you , may be sometimes he/she will fight ,because expectations come in between and leads to the fight between the two people.

You may get distracted and because when you are building your career, you get so messed up that you’ve to end up your relation.


Being single is the happiest moment when you want to “Live for yourself”.

Being single is better when you are not sure of “what you want actually”.

Being single frees you of all worries that (I mentioned above) comes.

Being single is better when you don’t have someone who understands you and your career.

Being single is better ,when you are not with the “Good Company”.

Being single is the best moment when you travel “Solo”, you don’t have to get approval of someone to go out with your friends.

Being single helps you to “Go Anywhere” without asking from someone, except your family, who trusts you and know you well from many years.

Being single is the time ,when you get to know more about yourself ,by trying “NEW” things.
Being single is better ,when emotions doesn’t hold you back.

Being single is the time when you “LOVE YOURSELF” and “LOVE YOUR OWN COMPANY”.

Being single means “Being Independent”.

Being single is the happiest moment ever :)

Why does people say things like,

I'm happy that I'm single. Relationships sucks.

Single life is best.

I want what they have. They're so happy together.

I want someone in life, who'll make me happy.

Now, when you can't be happy with yourself and with the life you have right now, then how can you be so sure that if you'll have a partner then you'll be happy?

Ponder over it for a while.

I know expectations will be there when you have someone in life.

The way you're expecting them to make you happy, the same way they'll expect you to add happiness to their life as well.

And that's okay. It's just that you should be the owner of your emotions. They might affect you but how much and for how long, that's upto you. Decide wisely!

What I believe is when you'll learn to be happy with the little things in life, you'll realise that it's not that big of a task and you don't require anyone else to give that to you. You can do that for yourself. And spread happiness all around. 🦋✨

Dear All Be Happy

Lots of love

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