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What is something unrealistic that you often see in movies that annoys the hell out of you

Don't get me wrong, movies don't have to depict reality if they don't want to. After all, we often watch them escape it.

The problem is that sometimes Hollywood intentionally tries to accurately portray the world but have no clue what they're talking about.

I'm talking good guys jumping behind some furniture and the bad guys unloading hundreds of rounds into people without any going through. Or people ordering food at a restaurant and leaving before getting their meals.

10. Drivers keep looking at passengers

Often, cars used to shoot dialogue scenes in movies have their headrests taken out. Once someone tells you that, you can’t unsee it.

This is done, obviously, so that a movie camera can fit in the back of the vehicle in order to shoot the actors sat in the front. Often, this is to facilitate a scene in which characters chat to each other while making full eye contact, despite the fact, one of them is operating a moving vehicle.

09. Black Widow (captain marvel is a different superhero)

Women in fight scenes with their hair down. Girl, tie it back I know you can't see s**t.

08. Huge grenade explosions

Just about everything in action moves stretches credibility and certainly the Fast & Furious movies do things with cars that would make a physicist twitch on a minute-by-minute basis. For many users in this Reddit thread, though, it was the “nuclear level explosions” generated by movie grenades that got their goat.


The good guy jumps behind some furniture and the bad guys unload 1000 rounds into it and none of them go through. What the f**k is that couch made of!?


The scientist is an expert in multiple fields of study. Don’t get me wrong, most Ph.D. scientists I know have a solid foundation in chem/physics/bio, but it’s not super common to find a person who has a PhD-level of understanding in all of those fields.

I hate it in movies when the ecologist somehow develops a vaccine, or the meteorologist manages to predict an earthquake. Like, a Ph.D. is so narrow in scope. A biologist who studies fish probably can’t answer s**t about snakes... let alone create a vaccine for a novel virus.


Fight scenes with multiple attackers.

They're all so polite, waiting for their friends to get their ass kicked before engaging. In reality, you get jumped by everyone at the same time.

04. Hackers never have to Google

In movies, all computer scenes essentially come down to one very clever person hammering a keyboard, while their face is illuminated by the blue glow of the screen. There’s no sense in pausing to think or to consider the right course of action. They just keep typing.


In fires, nobody dies of smoke inhalation. They’ll be in there for ages, merrily chatting away, coughing, miraculous escape (lifting a burning beam out the way maybe), they get outside and are fine! Maybe a smudge of soot on the face and cough then on their merry way.


Women giving birth to giant, four-month-old babies.


Someone is hit in the head, loses consciousness, and two minutes later getting up as if nothing happened.

Image source Google

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