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Is it true that fat people who eat healthy are healthier than thin people who eat junk food

It varies widely. Of one hundred thin people who eat junk food, they will vary as to how much of their diet comes from junk food, and how long they’ve been on junk food diets. Some might be consuming a lot of fat, others a lot of sugar, others a lot of salt, some eat a lot of all three. Of fat people, regardless of what they are eating, they will vary as to how much plaque lines their arteries, blood pressure, blood sugar, and other factors. Thus fat or thin, good diet or bad, there will be some people who live a long time, and others who die young. But the odds are in favor of longevity for those with good diets and modest weight.

Jim Fixx was an exercise guru, author of The Complete Book of Running. he was thin, avoiding junk food, and ran every day. He died of a heart attack at age 52.

Well known actor Wilford Brimley has been portly for most of his life. While he did ads for Quaker Oatmeal, he probably ate a few other things to maintain his bulk. Unlike Jim Fixx, he’s still with us at age 82.

And then there was comedian George Burns who was thin all of his life and lived to be 100. Not only did he enjoy an unhealthy diet, he also smoked. In an interview some years ago he reported:

Q: Any special diet?

"Well, I'm not much of an eater, and I never eat vegetables. I don't drink water but I have four martinis a day. I like martinis better. There's water in martinis. And I smoke 15 to 20 cigars a day."

Q: What does Burns' doctor say about his diet?

"My doctor? He died a long time ago."

Image source Google
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