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If Brie Larson is such a good actress, why is her performance as Captain Marvel regarded as bad?

It wasn’t her performance during the movie, it was everything she did leading up to it that really hurt her.

You see, most comic fans, like myself, do not care what political leanings a character’s actor supports in real life. It’s the actor’s choice, and he/she has every right to think as he pleases.

What fans do hate, is an actor/actress bringing those political beliefs into the studio, and trying to shove them down our throats.

And the only thing they hate more than that? Is when you say that this new, un-introduced, politically-fueled character is already better than all the main characters who they’ve come to love at everything they do.

Those two things. The two things you should most definitely not do around comic fans, are exactly what plagued Brie Larson.

I won’t focus too much on the film’s inherent political bias. Because, to be fair, that can be blamed on the film-writers and producers, of which Larson was not one.

But aside from Captain Marvel’s script (which, again, the crew could be blamed for), Brie Larson was the author of her own downfall. She quite literally trolled her own fanbase.

She claimed her character could move planets.

She claimed her character could whoop Thanos. (Which actually may be true, but is not something you want to be proclaiming right after IW just ended.)

She claimed her character could lift Mjolnir.

She kept making these down-right false comments. Things that only comics fans could be really upset by.

It’s as if she purposely tried to stoke fans’ anger. She obviously knew that what she was saying was wrong, and she probably knew that comic fans would be upset by it, too.

But she wanted media buzz around her. And trolling the fans was a cheap and easy way to do that.

The result was that even before her film came out, a sizable number of fans already disliked her. Not because of her political beliefs, but because she just couldn’t shut up!

And, as people in the comments section have pointed out, I understand that Brie Larson was joking with her Thor and Thanos comments.

But as I said before, it’s the timing and delivery of her jokes that pissed everyone off.

Let’s not forget that what happened took place right after Infinity War. Thanos had just beat every hero we ever knew.

In the midst of this, Kevin Feige made a statement about Carol, a person we’d never seen before, being the strongest Avenger in the MCU.

This made everyone, regardless of their thoughts on Larson, think that Captain Marvel would swoop in and single-handedly beat Thanos, inadvertently ruining Endgame.

Because everyone wanted to see Tony, Thor, Hulk, Wanda and all the people who had actually lost something fighting against him, eventually be the ones to take Thanos down themselves.

Not some random stranger beating him all by herself.

But then, in the midst of all that, the actress walks in, gives a big laugh, and basically says: “Hey everyone, Carol Danvers can beat Thanos all by herself! Heck, she can hold Thor’s hammer and probably beat him, too!”

She then added: “He [Thanos] actually looks kind of shrimpy to me!”

It’ll never come off well. No matter how benign your intentions.

And let’s not forget that Carol acts like little more than a power fantasy. There’s very little humanity and flaw in her character.

She exudes pride and cockiness, but has no charisma or weakness to endear her to us- something you need when you’re a cocky character.

Think about it: Iron Man was a proud character when introduced to the MCU. But he also had a great sense of humor and he wasn’t afraid to be the butt of his own jokes.

And we later saw that he also had a whole host of family and personal issues- one of which was a perceived lack of affection from his father.

All of that contributed to his narcissistic personality.

Similarly, Thor, when initially introduced, was quite a cocky guy. And that was one of the reasons why he was exiled to Earth.

He eventually had to lower his head and learn humility over time, and when Ragnarok was finished, he had all but lost his ego.

Those moments made us relate to these cocky characters. They humanized and demystified them, so that we viewers like them despite their arrogance. Not because of it.

So far, Carol Danvers has only been a cocky character who blasts through everything she sees and gets her way because of that. And even when personal problems arise, she shows very little in the way of emotional fragility.

And don’t get me wrong, even though the script was politically biased, there were ample opportunities for Larson to bring some dramatic emotion to the screen.

Moments for her to at least give us a glimpse of character.

But she did not.

She’s like Thor and Iron Man, but without any of the personality flaws or charisma to back it up.

Because she can just punch through every problem. So she has nothing to learn.

Factor in the cockiness of the character, with the attitude of the one playing that character, and you’re

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