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How hard has puberty hit you?

HARD! When I was in 2nd Grade my mom let me get an AWFUL haircut (you learn from your mistakes is what she’s always told me -also it’s hair, it will grow back, which it did). But, I looked awful, I was an innocent little kid with weird hair.

So this is me during the “hair phase” AGE 8 (above)

Fourth Grade was pretty much the same, just growing the hair back… (above) AGE 9/10

This is fifth grade. Looking better, still in the little kid cuteness phase. (above) AGE 10/11

I think these two are 6th Grade. A little more into puberty, begining the awkward looking stage a bit. (above) AGE 12

(My 13th birthday party) ^

Seventh Grade. My hair is grown out pretty long. Nothing super extra ^^ AGE 13

Major haircut (10 inches) right after seventh grade ended. ^

Eighth grade. Got my septum pierced. (above) AGE 14

Summer after 8th grade. AGE 14

Cut my hair again. (above) AGE 14

Ninth Grade, also beginning of Corona-Season (above) AGE 15

This summer…quarantine (above) AGE 15

10th Grade (now)!!!!!!!! AGE 16

Puberty punched me in the face. I still have a bit of acne but not a lot thankfully. I am much more confident now (compared to 7th-9th grade) and I’m overall prettier. (Edit: I added ages)

Thanks for scrolling haha.

Thank you -Maggie

Image Source Maggie (Facebook)

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