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How did Modi save Nitish from defeat in this election?

He did not

The Modi wave is gone. Its over. The one man show - its gone. Its now all about the Rajnaithik Shadyantra or Political Machinery as Analysts were saying yesterday. Every channel reported that this Bihar win was the least to do with Shri Narendra Modi since 2019 General Elections.

The reason why people vote BJP statewise is related to Communities and related to dreg voters and related to political machinery but otherwise the fact that Narendra Modi can lead to sweep after sweep is over.

The BJP is now winning its elections only because There is no one else to vote for on a National Scale.

Am i saying Modi cannot win elections anymore on his own?

Thats exactly what i am saying. The BJP will now have to depend on its party machinery, its ability to sweep the voters and to do what other political parties normally do.

The Nationalistic Rhetoric will slowly wind down and it will soon become the normal Political Rhetoric - “Vote us and we will do this” that has been running the country in all elections since 1947.

Dont get me wrong here. The BJP killed it in the Bihar elections. They did very well but their victory was less to do with Modiji and more to do with their Election Campaign in the midst of the Coronavirus. It was more Politics and less of Nationalism - unlike campaigns in Uttar Pradesh 2017 or All India Elections of 2019.

Nationalism is slowly fading away.

In the US - Trump and his Supremacy has faded away. I dont know if he can legally do some hanky panky but the People have spoken and given an election to Biden by a margin of 295 Electoral Votes and 5.5 Million more Popular votes.

Modi and his Nationalist fervor is also fading away slowly and steadily.

BJP may win 10 more elections but their victories will be on the lines of Political Strategy and less along the lines of “Modi is the greatest”.

Like Biden, if one more Decent man comes along - not a great speaker, not a flashy leader - just a decent man who is capable of working for the country - like Manmohan Singh in 2004 or AB Vajpayee in 1998 - and he campaigns against the BJP - then i believe we may see a Trump vs Biden showdown in India itself.

Image source Google

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