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Did you feel different mentally after going vegan?

Yes! Trust me, it’s life-changing.

When talking about turning vegan, people usually relate health to physical health. Are vegans getting enough protein, enough calcium? And our answer is usually a big fat YES. As more and more people begin talking about it, people are starting to understand mental health is just as important as physical health.

I have been vegan for about 5 months and as the physical health benefits are great, it was hard to ignore how it affected me mentally.

My productivity and energy levels rose - They say fatty foods, such as meat and dairy, weighs people down. It can leave you feeling sluggish and they’re not wrong. Especially, with limitless availability of junk food, who can say no to junk food when you’re already drained and lazy. I switched to a vegan plant-based diet and as soon as I did that I’ve felt a lot more productive and overall healthier in my mind, and more energetic in my body.

Developed a healthier relationship with food - Before turning vegan, I would just buy anything at the grocery store without being mindful of the impact I would leave on my body and the environment. I started consciously looking out for nutritious values in foods and carefully began looking at the back of each food item to check its nutritious content. I began looking for what will keep me healthier and happier in the longer term, rather than short term instant gratification.

Vegan Rainbow Springrolls with Peanut Sauce

No more food guilt - I am not talking about the guilt you experience after you chug down an entire ice-cream tub. A lot of people turn vegan because of animal cruelty, which is why I am primarily vegan. Instead of being ignorant about how and where my food came from before I turned vegan, I now consciously pick out the right food items that do not contain any animal products, it’s a feeling I have deep down that tells me I am contributing to a greater cause and that my life choices are making a difference. Now, even if I enjoy vegan cheese, I enjoy it guilt-free.

More confidence - A lot of my friends and my family aren’t vegan. My family often tells me when I go back home, I will have to follow the food they eat there and very much heard a lot of my friends tell me “I am missing out” on meat and that bacon is “so yummy”. I must admit, I have always been someone scared to tell others my point of view on something. But now, I feel more confident as I regularly keep telling my friends and family about how I am healthy and thriving the vegan life and stand up for my opinions about the cruelty of animal agriculture. I have noticed this has led me to be more public and open about my opinions to others and not just about veganism.

I always tell this to my family that the only regret I have about being vegan was not doing it earlier. What’s better than knowing that each day you eat vegan, you could be saving the life of at least 1 animal.

Go vegan!

Image source Facebook

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