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Jennifer Lopez

        Stunning Jennifer Lopez

Yes, Jennifer Lopez.

She is known as one of the most infamous divas in Hollywood.

Someone close to Lopez revealed that she refuses to talk to service industry workers.

A flight attendant attested to this, telling that when he asked Lopez what she wanted to drink during a flight, the star ignored his presence, turned her head away, and told her personal assistant, “Please tell him I’d like a Diet Coke and lime.”

She has a long list of demands that includes two humidifiers, two oscillating fans, white or red roses, and plain M & M’s.

While staying at a luxury hotel, a maid asked JLo for an autograph.

The maid said, “I cleaned her floor. And I am an incredibly big fan so I took all my courage and rang the bell to get an autograph but I was rejected by two assistants at the door.”

Despite not getting the autograph, JLo complained to the hotel and got the maid fired.

Jennifer Lopez is undoubtedly one of Hollywood’s biggest names.

JLo can do it all. She can sing, dance, and act.

Apparently, the only thing she can’t do is be a nice person.

Thanks 😊

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